Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

33 on 13

I've been too prepped up with preparing for our baby that I barely noticed the tiny white hairs growing along my hairline.  There just used to be one, but now there are three!  Does this mean I haven't been looking closely at the mirror for the past 7 months?  Or did I just not mind checking my hair because it stopped falling off?  These are just two of the things I could think of now that I saw these strands of hair growing out of the ordinary; not too out of the ordinary though, because I know they would eventually grow as time grows old with us.

Too busy waddling around, being extremely overwhelmed by this feeling of bliss, I've missed to notice that one part of my body I have had issues with for the longest time.  I have had falling hair for who knows how long and I instantly got ecstatic when I noticed that my hair didn't fall off more often than I observed.  I even got to the point when I told my Mama, "Look, Ma!  No more falling hair!"  as if I was in a TV commercial for a new shampoo!  I thought it was because of the trim that I had a month ago and the shampoo that I'm now using, but no!  My hair has gotten stronger and healthier because of the tiny one that I am carrying inside.  I read in one of the for-moms-to-be articles that one of the things pregnant mommies get to enjoy is having healthy hair because of the nutrients and the vitamins that are being actively circulated in the body-this is true with my hair being one of the beneficiaries of this miracle, to my belief.

My hair relief, as I call it now, is just one of the many things I am most thankful for at this moment.  The good news is, just exactly 1 hour and 10 minutes ago, I turned 33!  With all the changes that has been happening in my life, I am really thankful that I've reached this far to have been blessed with such a magnificent gift-the gift of giving life to another human, the gift of nurturing another soul to become good, if not great in her own ways, the gift that we have always been praying for for the past four years.  Little Diday, as we call her now, is a miracle and a blessing to both her Daddy Mel and I.  She came at a point in our life where despite the choices we had to make and the challenges we had to face, we stood faithful, strong and still.  We knew she was our reason for putting up with all the sacrifices and the loneliness of being apart.  She is indeed an angel!  And as I add another year to my existence, my only wish is for us to be worthy of her love and presence, to be the parents she truly deserves and to be able to provide her with the best that we could.  Being a mom at 33 is something to me.  If we can recall, Jesus had to take the greatest of all sacrifices around this age.  I, too hope that I will be able to take on what I can do for my family and to care for this present that was given to me.  

Cheers to another year! 

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